Fixpunktiteration und Fixpunktsatz (17 June 2023, online with BigBlueButton)
Die 365 Beweise des Satzes des Pythagoras (13 May 2023, online with BigBlueButton)
Aufteilung von Flächen und unendliche Reihen (22 April 2023, online with BigBlueButton)
Einführung in die komplexen Zahlen (28 January 2023, online with BigBlueButton)
Numerische Berechnung von Nullstellen (03 December 2022, online with BigBlueButton)
Teilbarkeitsregeln (05 November 2022, online with BigBlueButton)
Rekursive Folgen (11 June 2022, online with BigBlueButton)
Einführung in die Gruppentheorie (21 May 2022, online with BigBlueButton)
Merkwürdige Glücksspiele (30 April 2022, online with BigBlueButton)
Kurven und Flächen in der Ebene (22 January 2022, online with BigBlueButton)
Pentominos und ähnliche Puzzles (20 November 2021, online with BigBlueButton)
Magische Quadrate (23 October 2021, online with BigBlueButton)
Pythagoräische Tripel (on 19 June 2021, online with BigBlueButton)
Pythagoräische Zahlenmuster – von der Idee zum Beweis (29 May 2021, online with BigBlue-Button)
Kachelungen: Schachbretter und Polyominos (16 January 2021, online with BigBlueButton)
Primzahlen und Primzahlzwillinge (5 December 2020, online with BigBlueButton)
Interpolation mit Polynomen (18 January 2020)
- Mathematik-Wettbewerbe (07 December 2019, jointly with Hauke Friedrich)
Was ist ein Vektorraum? (06 July 2019)
Aussagen, Logik und Beweistechniken (15 June 2019)
Funktion und Umkehrfunktion (18 May 2019)
Kachelungen: Schachbretter und Polyominos (19 January 2019)
Primzahlen und Primzahlzwillinge | Was macht ein/e Mathematiker/in? (15 December 2018)
Kurven und Flächen in der Ebene (17 November 2018)
Rekursive Folgen und Banachscher Fixpunktsatz (05 May 2018)
Verschiebungen, Drehungen und Spiegelungen als Abbildungen der Ebene (27 January 2018)
Einführung in die komplexen Zahlen (18 November 2017)
Monotone Funktionen (16 May 2017)
Funktionen und ihre grundlegenden Eigenschaften (09 May 2017)
Kennenlernrunde und mathematische Spielereien
(02 May 2017, jointly with Johannes Lankeit and Raphael Müller)
Weihnachtstreffen (20 December 2016, jointly with Johannes Lankeit and Raphael Müller)
Wettbewerbsaufgaben (06 December 2016)
Wie funktioniert ein Mathestudium?; Campusführung (15 November 2016)
Abzählbar, überabzählbar und unendlich (08 November 2016)
Kennenlernrunde und Mathe-Quiz (25 October 2016, jointly with Johannes Lankeit and Raphael Müller)
Wettbewerbsaufgaben II (12 July 2016)
Summen und Reihen (05 July 2016)
Wettbewerbsaufgaben I (28 June 2016)
Folgen reeller Zahlen (14 June 2016)
Kombinatorik: Urnenmodelle und verblüffende Beispiele (07 June 2016)
Vektorräume: axiomatisch und exotisch (17 May 2016)
Berufe für Mathematiker und Technomathematiker; Campusführung (10 May 2016)
Abstandsbegriffe (26 April 2016)
Kennenlernrunde und Mathe-Quiz (19 April 2016)
Das Brettspiel Solitär (19 January 2016)
Komplexe Zahlen (10 November 2015)
lecture „Komplexe Zahlen“ for a project course from the Gymnasium Schloß Neuhaus, given when the course visited Paderborn University (21 April 2023)
lecture “Komplexe Zahlen” for two mathematics A-level courses from the Gymnasium St. Kaspar in Neuenheerse, given when the courses visited Paderborn University (12 February 2020)
lecture “Komplexe Zahlen” at the “Infotag für Schülerinnen und Schüler” of Paderborn University (high school level; 03 February 2020)
lecture “Vollständige Induktion” at the “Infotag für Schülerinnen und Schüler” of Paderborn University (high school level; 03 February 2020)
lecture “Das Prinzip der vollständigen Induktion” for two mathematics A-level courses from the Hermann-Vöchting-Gymnasium in Blomberg, given when the courses visited Paderborn University (02 July 2019)
lecture “Das Prinzip der vollständigen Induktion” for two mathematics A-level courses from the Gymnasium Delbrück, given when the courses visited Paderborn University (21 February 2019)
lecture “Teilbarkeit durch 33 – Prüfung leicht gemacht?” at the “Infotag für Schülerinnen und Schüler” of Paderborn University (high school level; 04 February 2019)
lecture “Komplexe Zahlen” for one mathematics and one physics A-level course from the Gymnasium Leopoldinum in Detmold during their visit at Paderborn University (18 December 2018)
lecture “Teilbarkeit durch 33 – Prüfung leicht gemacht?” at the “Frühlings-Uni 2018 für Schülerinnen” at Paderborn University (high school level; 26-29 March 2018)
lecture “Das Prinzip der vollständigen Induktion” for two mathematics A-level courses from the Pelizaeus-Gymnasium Paderborn, given when the courses visited Paderborn University (26 January 2018)
lecture “Abzählbar, überabzählbar und unendlich” at the “Frühlings-Uni 2017 für Schülerinnen” of Paderborn University (high school level; 10–13 April 2017)
lecture “Das Prinzip der vollständigen Induktion” for two mathematics A-level courses from the Gymnasium Leopoldinum in Detmold, given when the courses visited Paderborn University (25 January 2017)
lecture “Abzählbar, überabzählbar und unendlich” at the “Infotag für Schülerinnen und Schüler” of Paderborn University (high school level; 23 January 2017)
lecture “Überraschende Wahrscheinlichkeiten” at the “Herbst-Uni 2016 für Schülerinnen” of Paderborn University (junior high school level; 10–14 October 2016)
lecture “Komplexe Zahlen” at the “Herbst-Uni 2015 für Schülerinnen” of Paderborn University (high school level; 05–09 October 2015)
lecture “Teilbarkeit durch 33 – Prüfung leicht gemacht?” at the König-Heinrich-Schule in Fritzlar (high school level; 28 May 2015)
lecture “Komplexe Zahlen” at the Gymnasium Theodorianum in Paderborn (high school level; 13 February 2015)
lecture “Teilbarkeit durch 33? – Prüfung leicht gemacht!” at the “Infotag für Schülerinnen und Schüler” of Paderborn University (high school level; 19 January 2015)
lecture “Teilbarkeitsregeln” at the “Herbst-Uni 2014 für Schülerinnen” of Paderborn University (high school level; 06–10 October 2014)
coming up: Workshop „Einführung in der Gruppentheorie“ at the „Herbst-Uni 2023 (All Gender)“ at Paderborn University (09-13 October 2023)
Workshop „Primzahlen und Primzahlzwillinge“ at the „Girls’ Day 2023“ at Paderborn University (27 April 2023)
Workshop „Abzählbar, überabzählbar und unendlich“ at „Frühlings-Uni 2023 (All Gender)“ at Paderborn University (03-06 April 2023)
Workshop „Kachelungen: Schachbretter und Polyominos“ (given twice) at the „Tag der Technik“ at the Landesschule Pforta (20 October 2022)
Workshop „Tetrominos, Pentominos und ähnliche Puzzles“ at the „Herbst-Uni 2022 für Schülerinnen“ at Paderborn University (high school level; 04–07 October 2022)
Workshop „Pythagoräische Tripel“ at the „Herbst-Uni 2022 (All Gender)“ at Paderborn University (online with BigBlueButton; 04–07 October 2022)
Workshop „Magische Quadrate“ at the „Frühlings-Uni 2022 für Schülerinnen“ at Paderborn University (junior high school level; at the university campus and online with BigBlueButton; 11-14 April 2022)
Workshop „Auf welche Zahl soll ich setzen?“ at the „Herbst-Uni 2021 für Schülerinnen“ at Paderborn University (junior high school level; online with BigBlueButton; 11–15 October 2021)
Workshop „Zauberhafte Würfel“ at the “Girls’ Day 2021” (online with BigBlueButton; 22 April 2021)
Workshop “Kachelungen: Schachbretter und Polyominos” at the “Frühlings-Uni 2021 für Schülerinnen” at Paderborn University (online with BigBlueButton; 29 March – 01 April 2021)
Workshop “Primzahlen und Primzahlzwillinge” at the “Herbst-Uni 2020 für Schülerinnen” at Paderborn University (high school level; online with BigBlueButton; 12–16 October 2020)
Workshop “Zauberhafte Würfel” at the “Herbst-Uni 2020 für Schülerinnen” at Paderborn University (junior high school level; online with BigBlueButton; 12–16 October 2020)
Workshop “Primzahlen und Primzahlzwillinge” at the “Sommer-Uni 2020 für Schülerinnen” at Paderborn University (junior high school and high school level; online with BigBlueButton; 06–10 July 2020)
Workshop “Kachelungen: Schachbretter und Polyominos” for a mathematically interested group of school students from the Freiherr-von-Stein-Gymnasium Kleve duriung their visit at Paderborn University (junior, middle and upper high school level; 27 June 2019)
Workshop “Kachelungen: Schachbretter und Polyominos” at the “Frühlings-Uni 2019 für Schülerinnen” at Paderborn University (high school level; 15–18 April 2019)
Workshop “Kachelungen: Schachbretter und Polyominos” at the “Infotag für Schülerinnen und Schüler” of Paderborn University (high school level; 04 February 2019)
Workshop “Rekursive Folgen” at the “Herbst-Uni 2018 für Schülerinnen” at Paderborn University (high school level; 15-19 October 2018)
workshop “Einführung in die komplexen Zahlen” at the “Frühlings-Uni 2018 für Schülerinnen” at Paderborn University (junior high school level; 26–29 March 2018)
workshop “Abzählbar, überabzählbar und unendlich” for two mathematics A-level courses from the Gymnasium Leopoldinum in Detmold, given when the courses visited Paderborn University (25 January 2017)
workshop “Das Geheimnis der nicht-transitiven Würfel” at the “Frühlings-Uni 2016 für Schülerinnen” at Paderborn University (junior high school level; 21-24 March 2016)
guest lecturer for a “Meisterklasse Mathematik” at the TU Dresden for school kids from the 7th grade (age approximately 13 years); topic: “Nicht-transitive Würfel und andere spannende stochastische Probleme” (05 March 2016)
workshop “Die nicht-transitiven Würfel” at the “Schülerakademie Mathematik OWL” for school kids from the 6th grade (age approximately 12 years) in Warburg (12 June 2014)
talk about studying technomathematics and working as a technomathematician at the „Girls' Day 2023“ at Paderborn University (27 April 2023)
talk about studying mathematics for a project course from the Gymnasium Schloß Neuhaus during their visit at Paderborn University (21 April 2023)
talk about studying technomathematics and working as a technomathematician at the „Girls' Day 2022“ at the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (28 April 2022)
talk about studying technomathematics and working as a technomathematician at the „Girls' Day 2021“ (online mit BigBlueButton; 22 April 2021)
talk about studying mathematics for a mathematics A-level course at the Gesamtschule Brakel (online with BigBlueButton; 20 April 2021)
two talks about studying mathematics at the “Digitale Infotagen für Schüler*innen” (online withy BigBlueButton; 22–26 February 2021)
two talks about studying mathematics at the “Digitale Südwestfälischen Studieninfobörse” (online with Zoom; 28 October 2021)
talk about studying mathematics for interested high school students at the Ceciliengymnasium Bielefeld (online with BigBlueButton; 20 Jnauary 2021)
talk about studying mathematics for interested high school students at the Westfalen-Kolleg Bielefeld (online with BigBlueButton; 15 Decmeber 2020)
talk about studying mathematics for a mathematics A-level course at the Gymnasium Theodorianum in Paderborn (online with BigBlueButton; 14 December 2020)
talk about studying mathematics for two mathematics A-level courses from the Gymnasium St. Kaspar in Neuenheerse during their visit at Paderborn University
(12 February 2020)
talk about studying mathematics at the “Infonachmittag der Studiengänge”
of Paderborn University (03 February 2020)
talk about studying mathematics for two mathematics A-level courses from the Hermann-Vöchting-Gymnasium in Blomberg during their visit at Paderborn University
(02 July 2019)
talk “Was macht ein/e Mathematiker/in?” for a mathematically interested group of school students from the Freiherr-von-Stein-Gymnasium Kleve duriung their visit at Paderborn University (junior, middle and upper high school level; 27 June 2019)
talk about studying mathematics for two mathematics A-level courses from the Gymnasium Delbrück during their visit at Paderborn University (21 February 2019)
talk about studying mathematics at the “Infotag für Schülerinnen und Schüler” of Paderborn University (talk was given twice; 04 February 2019)
talk about studying mathematics for one mathematics and one physics A-level course from the Gymnasium Leopoldinum in Detmold during their visit at Paderborn University (18 December 2018)
talk about studying mathematics for two mathematics A-level courses from the Gymnasium
Antonianum in Geseke during their visit at Paderborn University (05 July2018)
talk about studying mathematics at the Gymnasium Theodorianum in Paderborn
(02 July 2018)
talk about studying mathematics at the Gymnasium Nepomucenum Rietberg (21 December 2017)
talk about studying mathematics at the Gymnasium Nepomucenum Rietberg (19 December 2017)
talk about studying mathematics at the Gymnasium Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock (04 July 2017)
talk about studying mathematics at an event of the “Studienreihe im Kreis Soest” in Lippstadt (29 June 2017)
talk about studying mathematics at the Goerdeler Gymnasium in Paderborn (13 January 2017)
talk about studying mathematics at the Pelizaeus Gymnasium in Paderborn (29 November 2016)
talk about studying mathematics and running the mathematics information desk at the “Berufemesse JoIn Mi” at the Gymnasium St. Michael in Paderborn (15 September 2016)
talk about studying mathematics at the “Infonachmittag der Studiengänge”
of Paderborn University (25 June 2015)
talk about studying mathematics at the Gymnasium Theodorianum in Paderborn
(13 February 2015)
talk about studying mathematics for a mathematics A-level course from the Christian-Dietrich-Grabbe-Gymnasium in Detmold during their visit at Paderborn University
(29 January 2015)
talk about studying mathematics at the “Infotag für Schülerinnen und Schüler” of Paderborn University (talk was given twice; 19 January 2015)
talk about studying mathematics at the Gymnasium Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock (18 February 2014)
talk about studying mathematics at the Goerdeler-Gymnasium in Paderborn (14 February 2014)
talk about studying mathematics at the Felix-Ferchenbach-Berufskolleg in Detmold (06 February 2014)
talk about studying mathematics for a mathematics A-level course from the Richard-von-Weizsäcker-Berufskolleg Paderborn during their visit at Paderborn University (03 February 2014)
mini-talk at the “Berufs-Informations-Abend” at the Goerdeler Gymnasium in Paderborn (29 January 2014)
talk about studying mathematics for a mathematics A-level course from the Archigymnasium Soest during their visit at Paderborn University (29 January 2014)
talk about studying mathematics at the Westfalen-Kolleg in Paderborn (28 January 2014)
talk about studying mathematics for a mathematics A-level course from the Archigymnasium Soest during their visit at Paderborn University (22 January 2014)
talk about studying mathematics at the “Infotag für Schülerinnen und Schüler” of Paderborn University (talk was given twice; 20 January 2014)
talk about studying mathematics for a mathematics A-level course from the Gymnasium Leopoldinum in Detmold during their visit at Paderborn University (15 January 2014)
talk about studying mathematics at the “Infonachmittag zum Studienfeld MINT” of Paderborn University (27 June 2013)